PSC Sample Questions - General 1

When a key is pressed on the keyboard,which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits

 Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located at
Ans: Shri Hari Kota

 Which State recently started " My Stamp " in Postal Service
Ans: Kashmir

 A program coded in a computer programming language is____________ [ Bank Computer GK ] 
Ans: Source code

 Jon Von Neumann developed [ SSC Computer GK ]
Ans: Stored-program concept

 The National Chemical Laboratory (India) is located in
Ans: Pune

 Biological pigment, that gives colour to human skin, is called : [ SSC ]
Ans: Melanin

 H1N1 virus causes which of the following diseases ? [ SSC ]
Ans: Swine flue

Twitter, facebook and orkut are the examples of …… websites. [ SSC ]
Ans: Social networking

‘Rajtarangini’ is considered as an authentic book on history of India. The author of this book was [ SSC ]
Ans: Kalhana