Kerala PSC job recruitment - Homeopathy Pharmacist Grade II vacancy in government job

Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates belonging to reservation
group of communities of Kerala State for appointment in the under mentioned post. Application
must be submitted online through the Official website of the Commission after One Time
Registration. Candidates who have already registered can apply through the profile.

1. Department : Homoeopathy
2. Name of post : Pharmacist Grade – II (Homoeo)
3. Scale of pay : ` 10480-18300/-
4. No. of vacancies : Districtwise
SC Pathanamthitta - 1
Muslim  Pathanamthitta - 1
Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava Kasaragod - 1
Latin Catholic Kollam - 1
S.C. Kollam - 1
Dheevara Malappuram - 1
S.C. Malappuram - 1
Category Number Community
196/2013 SC
197/2013 Muslim
198/2013 Ezhava/ Thiyya/ Billava
199/2013 Latin Catholic
200/2013 S.C.
201/2013 Dheevara
202/2013 S.C.

(i) Applications submitted by candidates belonging to the Communities other than those notified will summarily be rejected. No rejection memo will be issued to these candidates.

(ii) Separate ranked list will be prepared for each district in pursuance of this notification. Ranked List thus prepared and published by the Commission shall remain in force until candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies earmarked for the above community, but remain unfilled due to paucity of
candidates during the currency of the Ranked List published for the post in the following dates in following districts.

Name of District Date of Publication of R/L Category No
Pathanamthitta 19.03.2011 18/2009
Kasargod 23.09.2009 337/2008
Kollam 05.03.2013 271/2011
Malappuram 25.09.2009 337/2008

(iii) The candidates belonging to above reservation communities shall submit application for this post to the district where the vacancy is in existance for their community and shall note the name of that district against the relevant column in the online application.

(iv) The selection in pursuance of this notification will be made on a Revenue District basis, subject to the special conditions laid down in GO (MS) No. 154/71/PD dated 27.05.1971. A candidate advised for appointment in one revenue district from the Ranked List prepared is not eligible for transfer to another district unless he/she completes five years continuous service from the date of commencement of service in the former district. Even if transfer is allowed after five years, it will be subject to the rules in GO(MS) No.4/61/PD, dated 02.01.1961. Candidates already in Government Service holding the same post in any one district are prohibited from applying again for this post, but they can apply to higher posts when notified.

5. Method of Appointment : Direct Recruitment (From candidates belonging to SC, L.C., Dheevara, Muslim, Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava communities only).
Note :- In the absence of Candidates belonging to SC community,ST candidates will also be considered.

6. Age limit:
(i) For Muslim, L.C., Dheevara , Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava community :18-39. Only candidates born between 02.01.1974 and 01.01.1995 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post.
(ii) For SC/ST community : 18-41, Only candidates born between 02.01.1972 and 01.01.1995 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for the post (Including the relaxation as per para 2 (i) of the General conditions).
Note :- For concession allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 years, please see para 2 of General Conditions under Part II of this notification.

7. Qualifications:
1. A Pass in S.S.L.C or its equivalent Qualification
2. A certificate obtained after successful training in Nurse – Cum – Pharmacist Training Course (Homoeopathy) conducted by the Government of Kerala or its equivalent.

8. Last date of receipt of applications: 31/07/ 2013 Wednesday up to 12 midnight

9. Method of submitting Applications:
Before applying for the post, candidates should register as per "ONE TIME REGISTRATION" scheme through the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission '' Those who have already registered can apply by logging in to their profile using his/her User-id and pass word. No application fee is required. Candidates can view, rectify defects and print the details in the registration card by clicking the link Registration card after entering the home page. Candidates are responsible to ensure correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password and they shall keep in mind the user Id for further communication with the Commission . Applications which are submitted not in accordance with the instructions given in the website will be summarily rejected. Documents to prove Qualification, age, community etc have to be produced as and when called for.

11. If a Written Test/OMR Test is conducted as part of the Selection, Admission Ticket of eligible Candidates will be made available in the website of the Kerala Public Service Commission, Candidates are instructed to download their Hall Ticket as per the instructions in the website.
Address to which applications are to be sent : www.keralapsc .

Kerala PSC Assistant Surgeon Addendum notification with rank list 2013 published

Kerala Public Civil Service commission has released the rank list of the Assistant Surgeon for post in Kerala government hospitals. The rank list is published in the official website of Kerala Public Civil Service Commission,  . Some of the results were withheld when the previous results was published. Now the results of all candidates are included in the rank list published. Check the results soon on the kerala psc website.